A civil engineer created the slippery part of the water slide. A civil engineer designed a pumping system to circulate just the right amount of water to the flume. Without the right flow of water, there is no ride. And they designed the slide to withstand the weight of people, the water, and even the force of the wind blowing on it.
The Firefox logo is not actually a fox, it is a red panda. Not many people know this.
The word ‘robot’ comes from the Czech word ‘robota’ meaning forced labor or work.
My domain name costs money every year. Until 1995 it was free to register a domain name.
Alexa is always listening to your conversations. So is Siri.
On average, people read 10% slower from a screen than from paper, so computers slow you down. People blink twenty times per minute, but on a computer that goes down to 7 per minute!
Steve Jobs lied to make us buy the iPhone. The first iPhone presentation happened six months before the iPhone was set to hit the market. At that time, the phone was too buggy to use, so Steve Jobs switched phones behind his desk, otherwise, it would run out of RAM and crash.
Do you read the terms and conditions on your products? On iTunes you agree not use it to make nuclear weapons - “You also agree that you will not use these products for….the development, design, manufacture, or production of nuclear, missile, or chemical or biological weapons.”!
The word engineering is derived from the word ingenium which means something like cleverness or native talent.
The first engineer known by name was the Egyptian engineer Imhotep who around 2700 BC built the first pyramids.
A diamond does not dissolve in acid, only intense heat can destroy a diamond. More specifically, it will burn at 850 degrees Celsius. Moreover, another way to break a diamond is through high-impact and internally built-up pressure. While diamonds have a reputation for being indestructible, they can be broken up by hitting at a cleavage point.
Even though the first flight at Kitty Hawk took place on December 17, 1903, the secretive Wright brothers didn’t reveal there technology until August 8, 1908.
A piece of logic
Here’s a piece of logic for you. If atoms never touch each other, are you touching something if you touch it, because atoms are not connecting? So if you get into a spot of trouble with your parents, tell them atoms never touch each other so it can’t be you.