How technology has helped mankind
Technology has helped us in many different ways.
The very first invention - the club - was to help us us hunt and protect ourselves. The wheel helped us transport things and us to the places we desired. A range of other inventions helped us, like the compass, radar, paint, computers and airplanes.
Some people think technology is all about computers, but this is not correct. Your plate is technology as it has been created by a person to be useful. This is my definition of technology.
About tech
If you are building tech then it needs to be useful. People have to want to buy it and it’s good to be the first to make something of it, but if someone has already made it you can make a newer version that improves it.
The evil of tech is weaponry. That is what is evil. Tech companies are products to listen to your conversations and then they take that data to make ‘better’ products to sell us and they get rich. Those products are very resourceful in a lot of ways e.g. you can get them to buy you things BUT we aren’t thinking about letting it into our bank accounts then it will know all sorts of private things.
“What fools are we to live in a world where war is a video game for children”
Weaponry kills people and destroys stuff and they make evil things. They make robot kittens with laser eyes and I’m not joking. They kill .
living in tech.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world without technology??? Your right it would be terrible. We would have no clothes no houses no sweets (gasp!!!!!!) no shops no roads or beds or anything like that . You couldn’t even make an axe or spear to survive because well that’s technology. So that means we spend the majority of our life living in technology . For instance a city is made up of about over 80 % technology so basically the only time your not in tech is when your in the woods or in the ocean. which is to me, pretty shocking considering the amount of land on earth . What do you think?
Geolocation is a technology used to locate certain electronic devices and the people carrying them.
Enable it then you’ve just let the entire internet know where you are. You’ve let billions of people know where you are. They can sell that data. People know where you live. Where all your valuables are. They know where to find you. They know places you go. They know tonnes of stuff about your life. The other thing like this I’m interested in is when you enter your card details into a machine. It has full access to your bank details. It can record it. It knows everything and can use that and sell that. It doesn’t matter if there is a safety later or legal layer when you give your data. Someone somewhere will have access to that information. Even if you think it’s safe there is the person who is keeping it safe who knows it - and they have access to billions of accounts and pounds.
I don’t think it works. Even if it’s a computer doing it and that has this access, it’s been programmed and made by someone and it’s owned by someone, even if it was secret someone could go into it and take it.
Geolocation ties in with the internet banking thing. Even if they are useful they are dangerous - they know where you are.